User manual
What is it for
This supplier portal is an IT tool for managing and optimizing the processes underlying the exchange of information between the company and its suppliers. Through the portal it is possible to monitor the situation of suppliers and their characteristics, as well as the progress of the order/receipt of goods.
It does not require the purchase of hardware and software for its management or additional PC licenses.
It does not require installation on local computers or client-server installations, as it is totally "web-based"; therefore it works with any web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.).
Completely eliminate the burden of manual (aka paper) management of the traditional supplier list.
Automate and simplify the procedures for searching, selecting, transmitting and receiving estimates in the management of purchasing procedures.
It's possible to access the supplier portal after approval on the data of your company. Access can take place via different providers (Email, Azure AD, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Microsoft account).
My information
In this section it's possible to modify one's data without having to communicate them as an automatic notification will be sent to the office responsible for modifying the data.
In questa sezione è possibile gestire le offerte, visionarle in tutte le sue parti e completarle con l'inserimento dell'importo ed un eventuale allegato.
Here it's possible to monitor the list of orders and their characteristics such as the outstanding quantity, the quantity received, the unit price and the amount.
In this section it's possible to monitor all shipments with their characteristics such as status, registration date and quantity.